Monday 29 September 2014

Esquire Remake:

For media, after playing around with Photoshop last time, this time I was back on it for the task that my teacher gave everyone in my class. I had to recreate the Esquire magazine that had Megan Fox for the front cover. Making a magazine front cover is a lot harder than I thought. Here's are the two magazine covers.

                        Esquire's Front Cover                Vs              My Remake Front Cover

When you look at both of the front covers, you can clearly see that Esquire's front is MUCH better than mine but I think for my first attempted I did well. I was able to makes Megan Fox right in the middle of the magazine and able to places the words behind her. Also I made sure that used the right colours for the words "Megan Fox" and all I need to do it make the words look transparent. 

Hopefully with a little more practise, I will be able to make a better esquire cover that looks closer to the original.

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