Wednesday 22 April 2015

Front Page Comparison/Improvements

Due to finishing my double page spread, I thought that that there is still improvements that should be made. One of the changes is that, the work "over" is in the same colour as the title. the reason for this is that I needed to make sure that use the same colour scheme so that it doesn't make it look odd. I addition to this point, I made sure that "taking over" are on the same line. as you can see that the work "taking" is hanging of the guitar so putting on the same line makes it make sense.

Another improvement that I made is the sell lines. The reason for this is that in my first one, it didn't stand out to grab my readers attention. Now, by me adding a same box around them makes the audience to that these are the main stories that going to be in my magazine. Also I space out my stories to fill out my magazine more.

Some smaller improvements were made like for the barcode area and the logo. When looking the barcode, I made it smaller so that I can place how much it costs and the date it had been issued. I made sure that I did do a logo so that makes like a real magazine to show its brand.

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