Thursday 11 December 2014

Top 7 Photo

I asked my teacher to look at my photos and thought that these where my best 7: 
1.                                                    2.                                                   3.

4.                                                    5.                                                   6.

To make sure that I have use the best photo for my front cover, I will be asking my classmate to choice which on is the best. I went around the classroom and did the tally and these are the results.

1) 1           2) 8            3) 0           4) 2              5) 0           6) 9           7) 0

Winning by 9 votes, I will be using picture 9 for my front cover. I think this will be a good picture to work on my front cover because I liked the away that postioned my model and how the leaves are place on the floor.


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