Thursday 18 December 2014

Magazine Development: Front Cover Pt 2:

This post is the second part of my development for my front cover that will be my final idea which a new and better picture.

1) Front Cover
This is my new chosen picture that I will be creating my final idea for my music cover. The reason why I think that this is now a better front cover than my last chosen photo is because I have a much simple background. Due to this it will make sure that  I see the masthead, sell line and tags on my page much clear than my other (failed) front cover because of the clash of colours that going on in the background. for This I duplicate the picture on to my old one so I don't lose my work.

2) Masthead
To make my masthead stand out against the background, I just the colour green for my colour. It links to the reason for the natural because it makes you think about nature and green being the colour of that. Also I have added a shadow behind my writing to make it stand out for in my masthead.

3) Slogan
The slogan has the word 'not' in with a line through the word, in bold and in pinkish colour   right in the middle because it's emphasis the idea the this magazine looks at music thats not electrical based of music. Also it's a play on word of "batteries not included" so think that it was a smart idea to used as a slogan.

4) Colour Scheme 
As you can see this is the shirt that my model was wearing. I going to make sure that I will only use the colours of white, pink and green to show that my other sell line are linked and that its better so that I done over crowed my front cover with different colours.

5) Positioning  
When looking at other magazine front covers, they really make sure that they positioning of the text if clear to read and has enough to space to show the different articles. When making my magazine cover lines, I need to make sure that use the positioning effectively.

6) Barcode
It wouldn't be a magazine front cover without a barcode. When shooting this photo, one of my model's items of clothes got into my photo frame. I thought that by placing the my barcode there, it would hide that mistake and it's a great place to put my code without it getting in the way of my cover lines.


  1. Nice post Shea - Anne, keep up this level of insight and detail

    Well done

  2. i like that that you've shown how you've changed your idea to make it better, and that you've kept your blog updated on every step :).
