Thursday, 20 November 2014

Photo Shoot (Update)

Finally I found models that I can use for my photo shoot and should be taking those photos. Sorry that I haven't been updating in a few days, it was hard to get my models and equipment to make sure that they are available. But I finally i was able to planned with them and hopefully, I will have my photo shoot for friday.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Photo Shoot Designs Ideas

Before I could start shooting my potential front covers and contents pages, my teacher said that my class should design how my photos could come out like and gets us extra marks for planning. I decide that sketch 4 design that would make sure that would be in my photo shoot.

This is one of my first (and best looking) sketches that I did during the the weekend. Its photo that could be either my  front covers or contents pages. It involves my model sitting be a tree because i think that it would really added to the idea of my magazine being a acoustic/folk theme. There is a space by the person because I need to make sure that there is space for the titles and subheading. 

The reason why I have added a little more information for this photo sketch was because I liked the idea that I came for this photo might be one of the photos that could turn out really good and that could be good as a front cover or a contents page.

These are the other photos sketch idea hopefully that when I take these photos, that I take in consideration to make sure that I have used a range of different angles when in my photos to make then really effective and cool photos.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Music Magazine Ptich

Also, the music that I'm looking may have hint of electrical elements but its more unique sounding and that its more toned down so your can hear the artist tell their story with in the song with their amazing voices. I have realised that some of music does clash with some other genres, kind of like and indie vibe but I'm trying to separate them so it sound acoustic. 

Sorry that this long to upload, it wasn't allowing me to put my pitch up.

Monday, 10 November 2014

T.A.P For Music Magazine:

After finally deciding my music magazine genre which will be acoustic/folk, I have come up with an idea of what my target audience would be like if they were to read my music magazine.

Target Audience Profile

Gender: Female
Age:16 - 20+ years
Ethnicity: All ethnicities 
Social Class: Working Class
Income: Average salary but increase along the years (when finally getting at job)
Jobs: My target audience might not have a job because they are currently still in school or university but when they leave they would like to work on link of media like a reporter, editors, interviewer or media blogger etc. The reason for these jobs is because she like to be behind or the centre media and capture it at it's moment.
Location: Inside and outside London, hopefully reaching worldwide
Brands: Dr Martins, Vans, Dre Beats etc
Media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
Fashion: My target audiences fashion sense from the latest trends and mixes them other face trends from shops like Forever 21, Primark, Cakes With Faces etc. The reason for this is because my target audience like to stand out with the range of different styles of clothing's
MusicMy target audience like all kind of music genres but she really like to hear acoustic versions of songs or music where you can clearly hear their tone of voice. The reason for this is because she feels like some of the emotion and the tone of voice is lost in the noise of music because it gets overcrowded.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Chosen Sub-Genre Music Magazine:

After thinking about what kind of music genre that I was going to do for my music magazine, I have finally come to the conclusion that I will be doing my magazine based off the genre of acoustic/folk. This genre was a little trick to find examples of music magazine covers that I liked but I was finally able to find two that I thought was suitable.

When looking at these two magazines front covers, you can see that the colour scheme, you can see that the editors of these magazine haven't used a lot of colours and really have dialled down the uses of colour to only use it for important mastheads and sub-heading. . This could be the reason why in the Acoustic Guitar front cover they have used the colour blue because it symbols with being a calm colour which can imply that the magazine should be read during their space time. Whereas in the Billboard front cover use white because it shows the music be pure and hearing the voice behind the music.I think this would relate to my genre because its about listening to the music that has instruments in the background and hearing the emotions behind the voices

In these two magazine they have a main image of an aspirational icons that are staring straight at the camera which attract their audience. This give the target audience a reason to buy their magazine because it makes seems that the artist is looking straight at them and tell them to read this magazine. This could help me when make my main image for my front cover becuase I should make sure that I have some shots that my model is looking at the camera so that it forms a connection with the audience. In addtion to this, like in the Acoustic Guitar cover, they have Ed Sheeran holding a guitar to tel the audience know is all about his music and sounds with that instrument. When making my front cover, I should have an instrument included in the main image becuase it links to my magazine genre which is acoustic music style.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Why Do People Read Music Magazines?:

The reason why people read music magazined because it help them keep updated with their favourite artist and their album. The magazine tell the audience about the exclusive events and gigs that they can go to. Also, there reviews about some albums that they haven't heard or brought yet can see if it's worthy of buying that specific album or not.

There are many different music genres that every individuals can read. That's another reason why people read music magazine because there is range for the audience can choose. There are many variations of the same genre type of magazine. This helps people keep up to date with the specific genre that they like. Also, if someone wanted to look at other different music genres from their own, then they have selection they can choose from and know where to find that genre they are looking for.

Music magazine can be cheap so it's easy access for people to get a hold while in the shop. Also its a way to escape reality and get to learn more about their music in their space time. Music magazines give individuals a sense on entertainment on reading their things about music. Also these magazine help connect with people that have common music and interests that they might with each other. 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Choosing a Sub Genre of Music Magazines and Present Some of The Main Titles:

After looking at some different music genres and their front covers, I finally chose that I wanted to analyse R'n'B cover of Vibe magazine.

When looking at the title of Vibe's front cover of their magazine, you can see that the letter 'V' is at a slight angle, giving it more of and edgier look than the rest of the letters. I think that this is very interesting because it grabs the audiences attention due to the 'V's sharp edges make it stick inside their brain. In addition to this, you can see that they have used a wide and thick font to make it stand out more. I think that it connotes the idea that this this genre is about making a scene and making sure that it will leave an imprint on everyone's minds.

Looking at the the main image that they have used, you can see that the editor have used Lil Wayne. The editor are using celebrity endorsement to bring in their audience because when fan of his, see him on the front cover they would want to make them want to read about their idol. Also, they have used a mid-shot to show the way he is standing and the way he looks. By looking at the coat that he wearing makings him look like a old style war solider, which reflects the way he is standing with confidence. The open jacket is a connotation to show off his muscles and his masculinity. This would make him a aspirational model for fans of that to be like him.  

The magazine colour house style consists of grey, black and white. This shows the contrast between Vibes and other music magazine because it shows that it doesn't need all the bright colours to attract their audience and just one  bright colour to make a statement. Also this could link to the structure of the layout which is very simple and isn't crowed, this could imply that they magazine is more relaxed. Also, because that have smaller sneak peaks that other music magazine, the editor are saying a little about a lot about what they have in this issue of vibe.

By looking at the colour scheme, I think that the mainly appeals to males than females because of the dark colours and the different male artist that are like Lil Wayne. They do try give some of the female a reason to read their magazine if they like Keri Hilson.