Sunday 16 November 2014

Photo Shoot Designs Ideas

Before I could start shooting my potential front covers and contents pages, my teacher said that my class should design how my photos could come out like and gets us extra marks for planning. I decide that sketch 4 design that would make sure that would be in my photo shoot.

This is one of my first (and best looking) sketches that I did during the the weekend. Its photo that could be either my  front covers or contents pages. It involves my model sitting be a tree because i think that it would really added to the idea of my magazine being a acoustic/folk theme. There is a space by the person because I need to make sure that there is space for the titles and subheading. 

The reason why I have added a little more information for this photo sketch was because I liked the idea that I came for this photo might be one of the photos that could turn out really good and that could be good as a front cover or a contents page.

These are the other photos sketch idea hopefully that when I take these photos, that I take in consideration to make sure that I have used a range of different angles when in my photos to make then really effective and cool photos.

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