Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Attemping My Contents Page:

Before half-team, after finishing my front page of my school, my teacher set us the task to go back and design our school magazine content page. As you can see here, this is my final design for my contents page.

One thing that I like about my contents page is that I still have the same colour scheme that I had for my front page which is the green, white and grey. The reason why I did this because I thought it was a good idea to show consistence and show that my contents page it apart on my school magazine and not doing about a content page that has random colours.

Also, another thing that I like about my contents page is the pictures that I included. The reason for this is because I like the way I used the pictures effectively on the page with the use of space around the page. In addition to this I like the range of pictures that used because of the the different shots and angles.

One thing that I didn't like about abut my contents page is that in the bottom right of the page there is a big space and along the bottom of the page . A way to improve that is I could add another picture to make use of the space or add more articles to fill in the space at the bottom of the page.

Another thing that I didn't like and would improve is my subhead "Main Stories" and make it like my other titles because it doesn't stand out against the grey background. To make it stand out, what I should have done was add the green strip and make the writing white to make it the audience know that the it's an important part to read.

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