Thursday 12 March 2015

Double Page Spread Research

These are some of the double page spread from other current music magazines. I made sure that I have a range of different double pages that I can clear see the styles and techniques.

I like this because I like the way that the editors have changes the way that they have change one of letter for each word. I think that it would catch their audience as it looks different and unique.

I think when constructing my double page spread, I need to something that this to make my double page more interesting.

With double spread, I like house that they have used a around of different picture. The reason for this is because I think that it helps explain to stories of their artist that they are interviewing living their moment.

For mine, I think that should maybe get my photo of my artist of them living their moment.

The element that grabs me the it the big letter "L" that is right in the middle of the article about her. This make the artist seem important and make the colour red associated with her.

When creating my double page, I think that I should have a colour that would be associated with my artist.

With their double page, they have add a little caption of their artist that they are interviewing.

With mine, I might that element so that can help me form a relationship with my audience about the new artist that they are going to be. 

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