This shows the clear differences and the improvements that I made to make sure that have made my contents page better that before.
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I think that one of the improvement that makes my new contents page better that my old one is that you can clearly see the anchoring text around the the pages. By changing the colours of the background and changing the colours of the text make them stand against page. With my older background, I think that you lose the eye-catching part of it.
Another improvement that make my contents page stand out even more is that it looks less crowned and more organised. I realised that by looking at other contents pages, they have less write and have a smaller writing. So, I did the same thing and made sure that I put different font for my headers and then another font for my stories so that you can clear they that they are separate stories.
I change the way I put my page numbers because in my old contents page, I kept on repeating the same again with the "pg". By putting the number right at the front and in a different colour to make my audience know where the new stories are going to before they even know what the stories are going to be about. With the new way that I have done it gets it straight to the point on where everything is going to be instead leaving it to the end.
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